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Fomentar una PERRO


Somos un grupo de rescate basado en crianza temporal, lo que significa que no trabajamos en una instalación. En cambio, confiamos en los hogares de acogida para albergar y cuidar a los perros hasta que encontremos la familia perfecta para adoptarlos.

Los hogares de crianza brindan el cuidado, el entrenamiento y la evaluación necesarios para ayudar a nuestros perros a encontrar sus hogares para siempre, ¡y Misunders Entendidos Mutts Rescue no podría existir sin ellos!

Cuando acoges para nuestro rescate, pagamos TODOS los gastos: comida, juguetes, suministros, capacitación, medicamentos y visitas al veterinario. De lo único que eres responsable durante la crianza es de cuidar al perro hasta que sea adoptado.

La crianza puede ser estresante a veces, pero es una parte crítica de nuestro proceso de adopción porque la mayoría de nuestros perros provienen de situaciones de negligencia, a menudo con antecedentes de abuso, y requieren tiempo para adaptarse.

¡Haga clic en el botón a continuación para enviar una solicitud de crianza! Si su envío es exitoso, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación de nuestra parte. Si no recibe un correo electrónico de confirmación, vuelva a enviar su solicitud.

  • What is fostering?
    We're a foster-based organization, which means we don't work out of a facility that our dogs can hang out in until their adoption. Instead, we rely on fosters to bring the pups into their homes to provide safe and loving environments until we can find the dog's perfect forever family!
  • Is it expensive to foster a pet?
    Nope! At MMR, we pay all foster expenses (like food, training, toys, vet visits, and medical supplies). Some of our fosters choose to purchase these expenses as a donation, while others submit their receipts to us for full reimbursement. We're thankful either way!
  • How long does a pet stay in foster care?
    Fostering can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the animal's behavioral assessment and medical needs. We sometimes rescue animals who need extra medical attention – those cases require a little more time, but we'll always communicate special needs cases ahead of time so you won't be blindsided. Our top priority is to get every animal healthy, spayed/neutered, and properly trained & socialized before being adopted so they have the greatest opportunity to be the best pets they can be!
  • What do I need to become a foster?
    First and foremost, love and patience! Fostering can be stressful at times, but it's a critical part of our adoption process because most of our dogs come from neglectful situations, often with a history of abuse, and they require time to adjust. As a foster, your responsibility is to socialize and support pets who may be dealing with injuries, neglect, or abandonment. They need stability, love, and sometimes extra medical attention. You'll also need a reliable vehicle so you're able to take the pet to their scheduled vet appointments, and if you already have pets they need to be up to date on vaccinations and be okay with a new animal in their home.
  • What does foster-to-adopt mean?
    Our foster-to-adopt program involves everything mentioned above, but with the end goal of adopting the dog or cat yourself. Think of it as a trial run to see if you and the animal are a good fit. The process is a lot like adopting, but MMR will cover medical bills and assess any issues during the foster-to-adopt period. The pet will generally be with you for about three weeks, but it depends on behavior and health issues. If the animal and the family aren't the right fit, ideally they'll stay in the same foster home until they're adopted.
  • Is it hard to say goodbye?
    The foster bond is strong, and we won't lie - it can be difficult to part ways. But at MMR we diligently screen our adopters, which means you can feel confident that your foster pup or kitty will be going to a great home! So yes, your heart may break for a while – but because of you, the foster animal's heart will never have to break again.
  • What's in it for me?
    Your generous donation of time and energy is invaluable to foster-based rescue groups like us. As a foster family you'll get endless hours of cuddles and entertainment, the fulfillment of making a real difference in the world, and the joy of knowing that you're not just helping animals get adopted – you're saving their lives.


Misundersunded Mutts Rescue (MMR) es una organización 501 (c) 3 registrada y operada por voluntarios que sirve a la región de Yakima Valley y Puget Sound. Nos dedicamos a salvar perros abandonados, libres y desechables en áreas donde prevalecen el abuso, la negligencia y la crueldad.



PO Box 6082 Bellingham, WA 98227

Emergencias: 503.308.8323

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© 2019 Rescate de Mutts Malentendidos

EIN # 81-4393666

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